Description: WP2X reads a WP 5.1 file and a configuration file. The WP file is translated using the output format given in the configuration file. An HTML config is available.
Keywords: wp5, WordPerfect, HTML converter, wp2html
Title: WP2X - WordPerfect 5.1 to anything converter
Description: A mailbox to HTML archive convertor written in C. Hypermail can cross-index articles, provides indexes sorted by date, thread, author, and subject, and performs incremental updates.
Description: Magma is a programming language designed for the investigation of algebraic and combinatorial structures, or magmas. The syntax of the language resembles that of many well-known programming languages. What is special about Magma is the provision of mathematical data types such as gro
ups, rings, fields, sequences, sets and mappings, together with a large collection of functions for performing standard tasks in algebra. Information about the algebraic structures and their elements is stored in a mathematically powerful way, making advanced symbolic algebraic computation feasibl
e. Magma is a sophisticated tool for experimentation, education, and computer-aided proof, useful for both students and professional mathematicians. Magma was developed by the Computational Algebra Group in the University of Sydney School of Mathematics and Statistics.
Keywords: Magma, Cayley, mathematics, algebra, geometry, combinatorics, Sydney
Description: Amanda is a backup system designed to archive many computers on a network to a single large-capacity tape drive. This release is currently in daily use at the University of Maryland @ College Park, Computer Science Department, backing up all the disks on all the workstations in the dep
Description: Tech Assist has developed a security system for anyone that provides secure transactions regardless of the server requirements. This is done by routing the information to a secure server on a secure link; the secure server encrypts the information (using PGP) and returns it to you for
decryption. With a home page you can have secure credit information transferred via the Internet thus bypassing the expense of operating from a secure server.
Keywords: web security, secure, ssl, shttp, credit card, secure transaction
Title: Security by Proxy
Template-Type: SOFTWARE
Description: Dimensional calculator and units converter, Windows